Software for construct of interactive tables for the distance learning. / Software para construção de tabelas interativas para educação à distância.




The objective of this paper is the development of a software, the Programmable Interactive Tables (TABIPRO), which allows professors and teachers of Distance Education with little or no experience in programming, to include in HTML pages, dynamic tables that interpret data filled in them, interacting with the student. Prototypes of these tables, with name, description, e-mail, number of lines and columns, components, formulas and messages, are created and stored in a database, which is accessed on line everytime a HTML page with calls to TABIPRO, is loaded in a browser. At first this software was created to be applied to a module of Graphic Mechanics of the Educ@r Program, in an extra distance course of Physics, for High School, using the Internet as a communication and information distributor means. Through the TABIPRO, the students who join a distance training or course, could have their answers immediately corrected by this software during the evaluation process, allowing the teacher to follow the students´ development, comment the answers and direct them to the best result. A brief explanation of the concept of Distance Education and a presentation of the tools and methods used for the TABIPRO development are present in this paper.


tabelas interativas distance experimentation distance learning experimentação à distância ead interactive tables dl educação à distância

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