Sociocultural actiives, figurations, power and differentiation in Bico, Cuiamucu and Canela-Fina - amazon communities / Praticas socioculturais, poder e diferenciação em Bico, Cuiamucu e Canela-Fina - comunidades amazonicas




The study was made of three communities of the county of Boa Vista do Ramos, AM, 270 km from Manaus as the crow flies but 367 km by river. The trip from Manaus to Boa Vista takes 16 to 17 hours. From the city hall to Bicó, Cuiamucu and Canela-Fina it takes another two hours by motor canoe. Fictitious names for the communities studied were chosen to conceal their identity. The objective of this research was to study figuration, power, differentiation and networks of interdependency involved in the social-cultural activities of an animal and vegetable extraction economy consisting of: hunting, fishing and collecting forest products; cultivation of manioc, raising cattle and playing football as leisure. The objectives were: (i) to furnish helps for greater comprehension of the life-style of populations resident in Amazon communities, known as "ribeirinhos" (river dwellers), in their social-cultural activities; (ii) to discover the processes of social-cultural differentiation that occur in the communities studied due to the interference from the integration process, greater monitoring, government social programs, population increase, monitoring the soil - satellite surveys and field agents - by the State, changes in the perception of the symbolic value of natural products and the influence of national sports activity; (iii) to provide material that can contribute to environmental discussion in the Amazon, taking into consideration the life-style of its population. We opted for ethnographic proceedings that made it possible for us to describe social-cultural activities by means of participative observation, interviews, conversations and dialogues. The concept of figuration enabled us to comprehend the research area inserted in webs of more amble functional interdependencies. Concepts of extensive and intensive growth were used as criteria to discuss social-cultural activities. Demographic and geographic expansion, the population s better standard of living and its greater spatial and social mobility involved in the integration process have notably effected the ecosystem of the region. The use of fire, motorization and the incorporation of the chainsaw have shoved the forest farther away. While the roça equalizes relations of power, cattle raising has become a social differential. It causes cutting down more soil and in swampland forests, pushing the farm, hunting areas and fishing farther away from home. With interdependent webs extended and new aspirations arising in the communities studied, one can notice greater pressure upon game, fish, turtles and wood. In this continuity of activities, routine is interrupted with playing ball . Although it was observed that pleasurable excitement occurs in other activities, it is in playing ball that men and women publicly and socially share, unimpaired by obligation


amazon communities extraction economy power futebol comunidades amazonicas - apectos sociais agrariazation football agrarização extrativismo poder

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