Sociedade e natureza: A produÃÃo do EspaÃo no entorno da primeira etapa do Parque do Cocà / Society and nature: The production of the Space in entorno of the first stage of the Park of the CocÃ




The first stage of the Ecological Park of the Cocà and located the relative areas to its roundness in the Southeastern portion of Fortaleza are endowed with natural characteristics in the landscape, exactly after to have suffered intense urbanization from the second half from century XX. The urbanization transformed a space characterized initially for diverse restrictions to the occupation, which had to the natural obstacles gifts, in one of more depreciated in the city. This area was produced to long of the this period for diverse agents modellers of the space, in special the public power in the moving one to the implementation of basic an urban infrastructure. The actions had benefited to diverse segments da society, in special the elite and the enterprise segment, the one that contributed for the formation of different space forms and diverse forms of aggression the nature. The product of these social relations on the way was capable to produce a singular and only geographic space in the territorial limits of the metropolis, a time that congregates of compact form problems of great economical-social and environmental order of sum. Such characteristic still becomes it a full space of contrasts and contradictions, ahead of the variety and complexity in moving to the diverse forms of use and occupation of the ground, is they stops ends of housing, commerce, services and leisure. When analyzing this space is possible to verify that minority, however with priority groups, represented for the economic elite and/or politics and with easiness of access between them, they have in this space, eager interests of profit in detriment of the remain of the population of roundness. The society, in way to this dispute of classes, is the one that more loses due to reduction, how much-qualitative of its environmental resources.


ecological park of the cocà geociencias parque do cocà uso do solo society and nature. social inaqualities agentes produtores espaÃo urbano producing agents of the space sociedade e natureza production of the urban space. use and occupation of the ground

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