Socialização do novo petroleiro: avaliação da efetividade do programa trainees petrobras 2004 - 2005.




The objective of this work is to analyze the effectiveness of the Petrobras Trainee Program as an instrument to disseminate the company values and to promote integration among new employees. The model deals with both, the process view and the organizational socialization contents. The socialization strategies used by the Program in the period of 2004 2005 were analyzed in order to understand its influences on the values absorption, behavior and the newcomers integration feelings. The trainees learning of the values and behaviors of the company is measured through the analysis of the congruence between the newcomers perceptions and the values and behaviors declared by the company in its strategic plan. The verification of the consistency between the newcomers perception and the old employees vision about the importance and use of the adopted values by Petrobras is also done. The study results indicate that the Program objective was reached during the analyzed period. Additionally, it was seen that the values and behavior mapping methodology used showed itself as an important contribution to the organizational values studies.


administracao de pessoal socialização organizacional organizational socialization organizational values valores organizacionais cultura organizacional programa trainees organizational culture trainees programs

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