Social representations of the nurse practice among users of the National STD and AIDS / Representações sociais da prática do enfermeiro entre usuários do Programa Nacional de DST e Aids




This academic study has the objective to (1) identify and describe the social representations of nurse practices about the National Program of DST and AIDS for the users positive HIV and (2) analyse the social representations of the nurses who contribute to accept and fight against the disease. The theoretical substance came through the Social Representations Theory of Serge Moscovici, inside the work up discovery described by Denise Jodelet. Started with frame of Theoretical Reference the history of Aids in Brasil and the construction of National Program of DST and Aids, as the Social Representation Theory. The data were collected in three Healthy Municipal in the district of Rio de Janeiro in 2008, through the questionnaire and interview with 17 users inside the Program. The conclusion is that doesnt exist the social representation of nurses practice once the users dont/do recognize this professional. They just identify the practices related to the nurses team. Consequently, if doesnt exist this representation doesnt has the contribution to the fight and acceptance of disease. We suggest the inclusion of activities related to the Nurse in the National Program of DST and Aids; the Standard Operational about this activities, the evaluations and follow up this assistance actions of the Nurse through the Coordination of Program and Capacity of the Nurses involved in the National Program of DST and Aids.


representações sociais nursing representação social aids (doença) social representation enfermagem aspectos sociais enfermagem aids enfermagem aids

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