Social representations of mothers and professionals about school uniforms: the case of the Laboratory of Child Development / As representações sociais das mães e dos profissionais sobre a uniformização escolar: o caso do Laboratório de Desenvolvimento Infantil




In this dissertation the institutionalization of the uniform in a school setting is analyzed, starting from social representations constructed by the teams of technical and support workers of a Child Development Laboratory (LDI). The general objective consisted in comprehending the social representations of those subjects about the use of school uniform by the children. Specifically, it was sought: to identify and to analyze the images and concepts that mothers and professionals from LDI develop about school uniform and its use by children; to identify mothers level of satisfaction with the use of the uniform by their children; to analyze the strategies utilized the technical team of the LDI to justify the use of the uniform by the children the Laboratory; to evaluate the cost of LDI uniform in budget terms compared to the cost of other clothes; and to identify and relate the use of the uniform with the integral development of the child in the daily life, in the Laboratory. The theoretical and methodological framework focused on the following: History of clothing; Clothing and its symbolic meaning; Clothing consumption; To take care and to educate: construction of the idea of being a child; and the Theory of Social Representations. A qualitative framework was chosen because it allows to comprehend the was how subjects apprehend life, starting from their daily experiences. The technique of investigation used was the semi-structured interview. The interviews were recorded, and afterwards they were transcribed. The data were submitted to content analysis, according to the technique proposed by Bardin. The results indicated the existence of a comom evolutive tendency, among the interviewed groups, towards relating the uniform to the idea of an especific clothe to be used at school. Thus, a child in uniform benefits the institutions-family and school. Those representations and evaluations were associated, primarily, to aspects related to child identification and safity, to school characterization, to valoration of the child, to minimization of socioeconomic differences among the children, in terms of clothing, to practicality, and to change in appearance of the physical environment of the institution. It was also revealed that the confort of the uniform significantly contributes to childrens freedom of action and movement during their activities, as well as to facilitate the realization of those activities performed by the professionals from child education institutions.


school uniforms social aspects economia domestica aspectos econômicos economic aspects aspectos sociais uniformes escolares

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