Social networking on the Internet: the digital educational practices of the Instituto Federal do Parà â Campus Castanhal from 2004 to 2010 / Redes sociais na Internet: as prÃticas educativas digitais do Instituto Federal do Parà - Campus Castanhal de 2004 a 2010


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Speaking of the news when they are happening, when experience is used and if it is not an easy task. However this paper will discuss issues related to social networking sites in order to contribute to research and education, especially regarding its use as an educational practice in IFPA â Campus Castanhal. This institution originated from the former Escola AgrotÃcnica Federal - ParÃ, which was part of an educational network. Agro-technical Schools, were established mostly in the interior regions of the country and have always lived on the banks of digital technologies, today with a very different reality. We talk about our experience in Campus Castanhal, discussed the use of social networks on the Internet by the campus community and the possibilities for use of images as educational practices and memory, this content often used in social networks.


educacao redes sociais on-line - castanhal(pa) internet na educaÃÃo - castanhal(pa) instituto federal de educaÃÃo ciÃncia e tecnologia do parÃ(campus castanhal)

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