Social life and political power: David Hume against the contractarians of his age / "Vida social e poder político: David Hume contra os contratualistas de seu tempo"




Starting from the most popular political theories in the 17th century, contractualism and that of passive obedience, represented by the two main political parties in England at that time (Whig and Tory), this paper intends to show how Hume disagrees with both. However, his main objective is, without a doubt, refuse contractualism. To achieve its end, the text brings two sets of arguments: the first one concerns the concept of artifice in Humes theory, which is very different from the artifice created by the contractarians. This opposition is not in general mencioned by the tradition of commentators, especially when the subject is the refutation of contractualism. The second set of arguments concerns the more direct refutation made by Hume, which we can term the "official" one. Here we can include the discussions about the role of consent, the existence of the state of nature and the explicit or tacit contract, the obligation derived from promises, the origin of government and allegiance.


david hume simpatia contratualismo simpathy david hume contractualism

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