Social housing in urban centers : analysis of the proposals from the public architectural competitions held by the São Paulo Municipal Hall between 2001 and 2004 / Habitação de interesse social em centros urbanos : analise das propostas resultantes dos concursos publicos promovidos pela Prefeitura Municipal de São Paulo no periodo de 2001 a 2004




The debate about housing problem in Brazil has been enhanced since the 1990’s, due to the influence of international projects – mainly European ones – dealing with intervention in big cities. By focusing downtown as the aim of new proposals, the Sao Paulo City Hall, during the 2001-2004 administration, launched some architecture and urbanism public competitions which had, as their main characteristics, the insertion of new housing politics downtown. In face of the setting of international discussions about urban centers, this research aims at evaluating whether the outcoming projects to these competitions match the demandings in contemporary metropolises, concerning to the establishment of social housing. To such appreciation, the projects awarded with first and second prizes in public architectural competitions for social housing accomplished from 2001 to 2004 will be contemplated. Moreover, and taking into consideration the influence of European projects in the international discussion about urban interventions, the first winner projects in the Europan - architectural housing competition that have been taking place in Europe every two years since 1998 – will be selected and analyzed. Such projects must similar contexts to the ones in Brazil, that is, consolidated urban fabric; housing programmes for low income population etc., so that they can be compared. Firstly, the national projects were analyzed and, then, the European ones, making use of theories studied in bibliographical basis consisting on themes such as: interventions in urban centers; housing politics; collective housing and metropolization, among others. The introductory study for the Brazilian projects have already unveiled the heterogeneity of the proposals, so far offering evidence of the difficulties in establishing a line of intervention and understanding of the contemporary city. In the European projects, however, new theories and more experimentation of the concepts of those theories can be noticed. Therefore, by matching and organizing documents, as well as analyzing the projects, this research intends to contribute to the debate about new evaluation parameters for intervenience projects in urban centers in Brazil.


arquitetura de habitação habitação popular collective housing housing policies architectural competitions downtown areas conjuntos habitacionais habitação arquitetura - concursos social housing

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