Social dreaming matrix : a device of clinic psychology intervention / Matriz do sonhar social : um dispositivo de intervenção em psicologia clínica




Dreams can be understood in terms of content and social meanings, this is the working hypothesis underlying the methodology of dreaming work, developed by theorists of the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, UK. This study sought to identify potentialities of the "Social Dreaming Matrix," device created in order to understand the social significance of dreaming, for use in psychology and psychosocial clinic. The methodology was applied to two groups of people from different social contexts: the first consisting of 14 management professionals of a national financial institution, men and women, averaging 45 years, dealing with a highly structured organizational environment and the consequent challenges to the expression of creative subjectivity. The second group consisted of six young men and women averaging 24 years, graduating students or recent graduated in psychology. The procedures for applying the device were tested and the conveniences and difficulties were identified; it was also analyzed the adequacy of the device for fostering awareness of social issues relating to the circumstances of the researched people. In addition to assure the methodological viability of the device, was found - as expected - that the peculiar circumstances of each group were revealed in the associations and reflections of the participants. The study produced evidences on the usefulness of the social dreaming matrix as a device to the clinical and psychosocial intervention and it was concluded with the formulation of one more working hypothesis for the social dreaming matrix: The practice of social dreaming favors the development of negative capability, as defined by Bion, and takes on a synergy in clinical psychotherapy and psychosocial interventions. The negative capability", often quoted by Bion as characteristic of the effectiveness of the analyst role and which expresses itself in the ability of containment without memory and without desire avoiding immediate and general explanations, is increasingly gaining the status of quality of mental health that is not only normalizing: tolerate the doubt, the frustration, uncertainty, in the ordinary affairs of life as well as in relation to existence itself.


intervenção psicológica psicologia social dreaming matrix sonho matriz do sonhar social compartilhamento de sonhos capacidade negativa dreaming psychological intervention negative capability dreaming sharing

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