Social and environmental investments in value added statement: reduction or distribution of value added? / Investimentos socioambientais na demonstração do valor adicionado: formação ou distribuição do valor adicionado?




Value Added Statement (VAS) became a mandatory practice for all publicly traded companies in Brazil since 2008. Bearing a economic and social value and having the objective to show the benefits the company has added to the domestic economy, the Value Added Statement discloses the companys own structure for the remuneration of production factors. The information brought up by the VAS compose an indicator of the GRI model of Social Report. Maybe it is due to this model that some companies have released VASs including a line with social investments amongst the lines of value added distribution. In such context, this thesis investigates what are the conditions that might allow environmental and social investments to be considered added value distribution in the VAS. In order to answer the research question a theoretical research on VAS and corporate social responsibility was conducted, as well as an empirical research based on the Sustainability Reports of 22 publicly traded companies in Brazil. The environmental and social investments identified in the empirical research were analyzed through the means of economic concepts related to value added by the IBGE, which is responsible for the publishing of the countrys national gross product. The conclusion of this investigation proposes the inclusion of an VAS line, at the value added distribution part, for environmental and social investments that show the following requirements: (i) there has to be an expense on the part of the investment company, besides those generated by the production process; (ii) there has to be benefits to the community, besides those brought by the mere existence of the company; (iii) the final consumption of the good or social service has to occur inside the community; (iv) the expense cannot represent the compensation of negative externalities created by the production process; (v) the expense cannot represent the consumption of goods or services used in the production process; and (vi) there cannot be any sort of tax incentive characterized as deduction of the due amount. It is worth noting that any change in an accounting statement structure demands discussion and many simulations so as to evaluate its impact. This thesis initiates the discussion. It is important to point out that the proposed changes should not prevent well succeeded social projects to happen, but rather increase their transparency. Among the limitations of this investigation are the use of samples that do not represent a population and the use of Sustainability Reports that are not audited or mandatory documents. At any rate, this work aims at bringing the concepts of VAS closer to National Accounting.


balanço social responsabilidade social social responsibility valor adicionado value added social balance

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