Sobre o palco, a fera arrebatada, a alma especular e a musa paradoxal: experiências do monólogo, processo criativo, construções de si e autoria. / On the stage, the ecstatic beast, the reflective soul and the paradoxal muse: monologue experiences, creative process, self construction and authorship


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This Doctorate thesis has as object the experiences of actors and actresses in the creation and presentation of monologues in Rio de Janeiro, from 2006 to 2010. The analysis of this artistic experience is based on classic topics of Social Sciences concerning the modern individual, such as singularity, authenticity and originality. The matter of authorship concerning such monologues is related to perspectives on the western individualistic ideology such as the artistic autonomy and the construction of self, in the complex interweavement of the artist (actor/creative individual) and his/her artwork (monologue/performance/mise-en-scène/text). The monologue seen as an ample artistic project, including the experience of its elaboration, production, presentation, critics and commentaries is an object in progress from which the artist reflects upon him/herself and the world. The monologue can be seen as a personal artistic experience, where the authorial perspective is privileged, stressing and reinforcing aspects regarding the belief in an individual model that express itself as a person capable of self definition. For this research, I analyze three monological experiences: O Animal do Tempo, starred by Ana Kfouri; A Alma Imoral, adapted and starred by Clarice Niskier; and Anticlássico: uma desconferência ou o enigma vazio, created and staged by Alessandra Colasanti.


autoria processo criativo teatro individualismo experiência subjetiva antropologia monólogo theater creative process authorship individualism subjective experience

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