Sobre buscas e sentidos em uma rede mundial de viajantes: The Couchsurfing Project




The Couchsurfing project, which was founded in 2004, is a world-wide net of travellers who seek a different travel proposal. It has attracted people form 231 countries. This project arises from the idea of facilitating knowledge interchange, collective counsciousness and understanding among peoples, according to the content of the official website. Aiming to understand why a rising number of people has opted for this type of contact, what caracterizes the exchanges among guests and hosts and which worldâs views are been formed due to these experiences, have been developed theoretical reflections about the gift of tolerance and imaginary journeys, and an ethnographic research that had the author of this entry in the group, since even the largest spaces of virtual communication are established in areas restricted to members only. Besides national and international travellers, mainly members from Recife, a close contact was made with voluntary administrators and ambassadors responsible for widespreading the concept of the group. The key issues identified during the research were: the exchange and reciprocity, tolerance, friendship and the meeting, the traveler, the discovery and knowledge. The identities permeate territories transnational built here and put in motion in the culture. The CS, to some extent, has caused a flow in which global trade is measured by the currency of the host country, strengthening the construction of identities and cross fostering understanding and dialogue between people of different cultures. Also encourages a new look reflecting on themselves and their roots. This work aims expatiate further discussion with the academic community about these new spaces for dialogue established from bonds of trust, donation, friendship, conflict and tolerance


gift couchsurfing project viajantes travellers travellerâs virtual nets couchsurfing project redes virtuais de viajantes antropologia dÃdiva

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