Sobre algumas soluções das equações de Einstein com constante cosmológica


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




In this work, through appropriate coordinate transformations and using Einsteins equations of the general relativity, we show a method to get, from the Minkowski metric, the metric of Friedmann-Lemaıtre-Robertson-Walker, used in cosmology, with the energy-momentum tensor of a perfect isotropic fluid. We obtain also an apparently new solution to Einsteins equations with spherical symmetry, static, with cosmologigal constant, and in the presence of matter, represented by a non-zero energy-momentum tensor. This solution depends on two parameters and the cosmological constant, and depending on these parameters we get solutions of spherical shells which could represent regions of stars, wormholes or gravastars, and when in the absence of matter Schwarzschilds exterior metric is recovered, where one has a black hole solution.


soluções das equações de einstein gravitação relatividade geral relatividade e gravitacao gravitation general relativity solutions of einstein equations

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