Sobre a transitoriedade das relações afetivas entre homens e mulheres na sociedade pós-moderna / Sobre a transitoriedade das relações afetivas entre homens e mulheres na sociedade pós-moderna


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




So many broken relationships, a continuous search for the perfect relationship, a lack of commitment between men and women of unrestrained trade partners, the dissolution of a relationship in the face of any adversity. Observe personal relationships leads us to examine more deeply the society in which they are formed, under what criteria, guidelines or even under what pressures these relationships are being created. Thus, it appears that the global society, characterized by the appreciation of beautiful, new and ephemeral, as a consumer who understands the secret to happiness, turns out to carry into relationships, a same model of happiness. The relationships in the reality of social pressure, economic and cultural point as the main driver of consumption and exchange. The work will follow the transience of objects of consumption compared to the way people act, even in relationships


ciencias sociais aplicadas afetividade transitoriedade relações globalização pósmodernidade affectivity transience relations globalization postmodernity

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