Sobre a criação do Hospital Santa Tereza de Ribeirão Preto: outras raízes de uma história / The Creation of Ribeirão Preto Santa Teresa Hospital: Other History Sources




This study aimed at investigating the creation of Ribeirão Preto Santa Teresa Hospital, in São Paulo State, in the decade of 40, century XX. It was presupposed that the creation of this Hospital occurred because of the relief of the Juqueri Hospital in São Paulo but much more remarkably for social, economic and political reasons. The theoretical mark was the new history for reasons of the problems, objects and boardings enabled by this written history, or either, the search for the interstices “by chance” silenced in the official history. There were three instruments of investigation: 1) consultation to the patient register books on first five years of working of the Hospital (1944-1948); 2) consultation to the available local newspaper in the Public Archive – Memory House of Ribeirão Preto from 1937 to 1946; 3) semi-structured interviews to the subjects or relatives, in case of death of the first ones, who were involved in the process of the Santa Teresa Hospital creation. Therefore, the historical cut visited was , in the newspapers case, from 1937 to 1946, and in respect to the register of the interned patients in that Hospital, from 1944 to 1948. In the act of Ribeirão Preto Santa Teresa Hospital creation, the presence of the irrefutable data of the Juqueri relief phenomenon was observed, or either, the Hospital opened with patients from Juqueri, who also brought a great contribution in the construction / effectuation of the Hospital. But the results of this study evidence that two aspects can be added, one of these aspects is the existence of a restrained demand in what refers to the psychiatric assistance in Ribeirão Preto city and region, and the other aspect is a political and socioeconomic pressure, or in other words, the creation of a Hospital of Insane in Ribeirão Preto in 1944 was eminently a politics question, the federal interventor of the Ademar de Barros State and the Old Republican remainders (1889-1930) enterprise, which was the eminent São Paulo Republican Party, spokesman of the agroexporter politics predominant in the country.


história da psiquiatria history of psychiatry história history psychiatry psiquiatria

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