Sobre a aula de anatomia do doutor Tulp




The painting "The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Tulp" is a Rembrandt masterpiece painted in the Dutch Baroque style, which contains at least 10 controversial points. It is an important document in the history of anatomy, depicting for the first time, the functional anatomy of the flexor group of the forearm. This study is based upon a compilation of existing data about the masterpiece, including the most recent data obtained after the last restoration of the painting in 1998. The study "concludes" that the masterpiece was adultered and changed after its original composition by Rembrandt. The painting also shows an anatomical error, with the flexor muscle group originating in the lateral humerus epicondyle. The dissection of the left forearm depicted by Rembrandt, remind us of the dissection of the right forearm made by Andreas Vesalius and presented in his book of 1543. The evidence suggests mat the error was intentional, since Dr. Tulp, a religious man, defended that he was "Vesalius redivivus" or the reincarnation of Andreas Vesalius


anatomia humana dissecação

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