Sob o símbolo da cruz: questão social, família e educação nas relações entre Estado e Igreja no Brasil (1930-1945) / "Under the symbol of the cross": social issues, family and education in the relations between Church and State in Brazil (1930-1945)


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Considering the significant influence of catholic thought in educational and brazilian political scenario, this research aims to develop a reflection on the relationship between Church and State, situated on the first Government Vargas (1930-1945) and, in particular, under the New State, with regard to social and educational issues, and the attention given to the family, understood as an institution is essential in the process of conformation of the nation. Under this perspective, this study aims to analyze the catholic conceptions identifying points of convergence between the interests of Church and State, which may suggest the establishment of an alliance relationship between both, for a project of reconstruction of the nation, based on principles of Christian doctrine. This study was based on fundamental Catholic disseminated representations from the A Ordem and Revista Brasileira de Pedagogia, periodicals of expressive relevance within Catholic.


primeiro governo vargas projeto de reconstrução nacional igreja católica família educação historia da educacao educação história brasil 1930-1945 igreja e educação brasil igreja e problemas sociais igreja católica igreja e estado first vargas government national reconstruction project catholic church family education

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