Sítio PT-02-Sotéia: análise dos processos formativos de um cerrito na região sudoeste da Laguna dos Patos/RS / Site PT-02-Sotéia: analysis of the formation process of a Cerrito in the a region southwestern of the Laguna dos Patos/RS




This work consists to the study of the formation process of site PT-02-Sotéia. This mound (Cerrito) is located in the region southwestern of Laguna dos Patos, state of Rio Grande do Sul/Brazil. This work search perceive the structure of the site through analysis of the spatial distribution of the material culture and the archeological structures. Other objective of this research on the analysis of the material culture for characterizes of the functionality this site. Comparison with others works of the analysis inter-site about Cerritos in the region of the Rio da Prata (South America), with the aim of the realize similarities and differences of the site PT-02 in the macro sphere analytical.


laguna dos patos prehistory of the rio grande do sul cerrito structure of the site pré-história do rio grande do sul cerrito cerâmica ceramic estrutura de sítio laguna dos patos

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