Sistematização da assistência de enfermagem: um estudo com auxiliares e técnicos de enfermagem / Nursing Assistance of Systhematization: a study with auxiliaries and nursing thecnicians




It is a descriptive study, that has had as goal to characterize the nursing auxiliaries and nursing technicians working process related to the following aspects of the Nursing Assistance of Systhematization (NAS): information acquired during their professional formation; the use of the method at the working field; the knowledge of legal aspects and their perception on the participation at the phases of NAS; the contribution of it in the organization of their assistance service and the activities done by these professionals. The sample of population was composed by 70 nursing auxiliaries and 07 nursing technicians. A questionnaire with structured questions and a Likert scale were used as collecting data tool. The main results have revealed: a) 93,5% of the subjects recognize the use of this methodology at the working field; b) 74,0% received training to use it, and 67,7% of these have said that it happened after their professional formation; c) 46,8% have said that they knew what the phases of the NAS are, and 33,3% of them have mentioned the collecting data, 33,3% the test, 25,0% the nursing diagnostic, 25,0% the implementation, 27,7% the nursing planning, 52,7% have answered incorrectly and 5,5% haven?t answered; d) 67,5% considered that participate of NAS; e) 75,0% of the subjects can?t identify in which phases they participate of NAS; f) 33,8% of them believe to have a legal protection (approval from Coren ? Regional Nursing Council) in order to participate, 3,9% believe that they don?t have authorization, 13% have said that they don?t know and 44,2% of them haven?t answered the question; G) 94,8% have considered that NAS improves the quality of their nursing assistance. In relation to the developed activities: a) 81,8% have said that they do the patient?s admission; b) 77,9% of the subjects have solicited information on the current health problem; 70,0% on personal antecedents; 66,2% on the allergic antecedents; 87% on the medicine daily use; c) related to the data collection, 93,5% have observed the respiratory frequency; 93,5% the presence of dyspnea; 92,2% the cough presence; 77,9% alterations at the oxygen therapy; 67,5% have never done the pulmonary ausculation; 89,6% have verified the arterial pressure; 81,8% alterations in the venous infusion; 81,8% have verified frequency of peripherical pulses, 76,6% have evaluated the presence of edema; 76,6% the peripherical perfusion, 87,0% have evaluated alterations at the consciousness level and 81,8% the orientation at time and space; 98,7% have verified the temperature; 90,9% have noted the lesion presence; 85,5% the frequency and characteristics of urine, 83,1% the type and acceptance of the diet; 80,5% the urinary debit, 76,6% the frequency and characteristics of excrement; 85,7% haven?t done the abdomen ausculation; d) in relation to the planning 87,0% have said that they have never participated of institutional protocol prescription; e) in relation to the implementation 97,4% have done the nursing prescription and 98,7% have checked the prescription after putting in practice the care proceeding; 98,8% have said they inform alterations noted during the care; e) in relation to the hospital release 75,3% have noted conditions of digression; 97,4% the conditions of drain; 72,7% have oriented on the prescribed medicines. By this way we can conclude that these professionals, although without knowing that, have had an important participation at the phases of the process. Mainly at those phases that mirrors their attributions foreseen by law, as admission, observation, description and taking notes of signals and symptoms, execution of care plans and nursing report.


equipe de enfermagem nursing processes processos de enfermagem assistance systematization sistematização da assistência nursing staff.

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