Sistemática do gênero Oxalis L.(Oxalidaceae R.Br.) no Estado de Pernambuco / Systematic of the genera Oxalis L. (Oxalidaceae R.Br.) in Pernambuco State,Brazil




Oxalis L. is outstanding as the major genera of the famiiy Oxalidaceae, detaining around 800 species, approximately, 136 are found in Brazil. This work aimed to study the diversity of OxaIis in Pernambuco through morphological data. These data were based on the analysis of approximately 500 exsicates from the major Brazilian herbariums, as well as matenals obtained in field that, after processing, were incorporated to the herbanum Professor Vasconcelos Sobrinho (PEUFR). Oxalis is represented in Pernambuco by nine differentiated species, mainly by the shoot system, phylotaxy, type of leaf, color of the flowers, inflorescences and capsules in two subtypes and six sections: Oxalis corniculata L, O. cratensis Oliver, O. debilis Humb. Bonpl. &Kunth, O. divaricata Mart. ex Zucc., O. frutescens L, O. glaucescens Nolind, O. hedysarifolia Raddi, O. psoraleoides Humb. Bonpl. &Kunth and O. triangularis A. St-Hil. The species more widely distributed in the State were O. psoraleoides, O. frutescens and O. triangularis that are distributed from zones of the Coast and Forest up to the subzone of the Backwoods, though the first one in surrounding many people. OxaIis corniculata and O. cratensis are mainly distributed in Littoral and Forest zones up to Sertão subzone; Oxalis divaricata is distributed in the Agreste and Sertão subzones occurrinng also in the Fernando de Noronha Archipelago. Oxalis hedysarifolia habits in the Forest zone and in the Agreste subzone only in the mountains regions. OxaIis debilis is restricted to Agreste subzone in the edges of tropical montane forests and Oxalis glaucescens is exclusive to Sertão subzone, in sedimentary areas.


oxalis oxalidaceae sistemática taxonomia botanica taxonomy

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