Sistemática de Anthurium sect. Urospadix (Araceae) / Systematics of Anthurium sect. Urospadix (Araceae)




We present a phylogenetic analysis of Anthurium sect. Urospadix and related groups (Araceae). The genus has traditionally been considered taxonomically difficult and there has been little resolution of relationship within it. We performed parsimony analyses on morphological and molecular, and combined data sets. Anatomical characters have been used in classic taxonomic treatments of Araceae and it appears that leaf anatomy may provide several characters for addressing phylogenetic relationships within Anthurium. To verify these characters in a larger number of species and to examine new ones, we investigated the leaf anatomy of 77 Anthurium species, including 35 of section Urospadix. Specifically, we investigated the anatomy of the epidermis and traverse sections of the mid rib, leaf lamina, and petiole. We identified 17 characters, nine of which are potentially informative with respect to the Anthurium phylogeny. The palynological studies of 34 Anthurium species indicate that pollen is 3-4 porate in all species. Pollen grains from all examined species are highly similar in form and dimensions. However, the aperture type and the exine sculpturing are variable and may be useful for systematic studies of the group. The three characters presented here appear to provide synapomorphies for the genera or groups within Anthurium. The results of analyses on morphological (external morphology, palynology, and leaf anatomy; 64 characters), molecular (trnCycf6, trnG, and trnH-psbA regions of the chloroplast; 177 varied characters), and combined data sets, provide a phylogenetic framework for evaluating the characters used in systematic studies of the group, as well as for discussing evolutionary and biogeographic patterns. Based on the traditional concept sect. Urospadix contains 74 species and it had a disjunct distribution, with centers of diversity in Central America–western South America and in eastern Brazil. However, based on the new circumscription that we consider here, Anthurium sect. Urospadix Engl. contains a smaller number of species and, as treated here, the group is restricted to Atlantic Coast of Brazil.


anthurium filogenia morfológica molecular phylogeny anthurium filogenia molecular morphologic phylogeny

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