Sistemas de remuneração no setor metal-mecânico de Caxias do Sul


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The objective of this work is to identify forms of remuneration adopted by the metalmechanic sector companies of Caxias do Sul, satisfaction levei on applying those systems and possibility of adopting new models. In this work, I intend to present a remuneration proposal per skill to a company from the sector, in order to create some reflections about the proposed system. I hope, by this, to accumulate data which can be used as subsidy to develop remuneration systems of companies and its working relations. To comply with such goals two researches were done. The first one, with exploratory qualities, attempted to know the practical forms of payment in 20 companies representing the sector; the second one, research-action, described necessary steps to construct a remuneration system per skill in one company of the sector. The result of the exploratory research points out that companies are going through a question moment about forms of remunerating their employees. Some companies are innovating and adopting systems which are considered more adequate for new models of administration such as, profit sharing, gainsharing, remuneration per skill.. yet others, keep on utilising the traditional methods, apparently incompatible to the needs of organizations in change. The result of the research-action allowed the construction of a remuneration system per skill, one model which can be adopted by companies willing to innovate their payment systems, rewarding employees for skills they apply in their jobs.


remuneracao : administracao de pessoal : teoria : pesquisa aplicada : industria metalmecanica : caxias do sul-rs

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