Sistemas de organização do conhecimento : uma reflexão no contexto da ciência da informação




This research studies the knowledge organization systems (KOS) related to theories to build thesaurus, taxonomies, ontologies and classification systems in the literature field of Information Science. It uses the methodology of literature review and a research on the same field databases in order to investigate the bibliographic production about the theme, from 1998 up to July 2009. A bibliographic research about knowledge organization and representation is carried out, specifically related to the development of thesaurus, taxonomies, ontologies and classification systems. It identifies the same theoretical way to build KOS through the classification theory, concept theory, the relationship between the concepts and the foundation of Linguistics and Terminology. Extrinsic and intrinsic characteristics were analysed from the representative sample of the bibliographic production about KOS. The extrinsic analysis is relative to form aspects, including the publication year, authors, title, publication and keywords. The intrinsic analysis relates to content aspects through the subject analysis of the documents following the theoretical foundations. The last chapter verifies that the thesaurus and classification systems are the most quoted in the literature about KOS, being a theoretical reference to the development of these systems based on the international standards and rules. It highlights the importance of consolidating common standards to build different types of KOS in the field of Information Science and shows the need of gathering the multidisciplinary interests linked by the same goals and also getting better practices in the knowledge organization and representation.


sistemas de organização do conhecimento tesauros taxonomias ontologias sistemas de classificação ciencia da informacao knowledge organization system thesaurus taxonomy ontology classification systems

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