Sistema inteligente para aplicações de soluções ao bombeamento mecanico de petroleo




This work presents a proposal for a Sucker Rod Pumping Analysis Expert System, with the main characteristic of presentating diagnostics and solutions to sucker rod pumping problems. The system includes database treatment, syntoms identification, diagnosis and solutions proposals, performed by a group of agents specialized in sucker rod pumping problems solution and otimization. Artificial Inteligence concepts such as distribuited systems, neural nets and fuzzy logic, as long as Petroleum Engineering concepts such as design and verification of sucker rod pumping, nodal analysis, and pump dynagraph are used by the inteligent agents to broadly analyse the sucker rod pumping system. The use of the above concepts in this work, enlarges the PETROBRÁS UNICAMP project "Sistema Inteligente para análise de Cartas Dinamométricas" scope in the treatment of sucker rod pumping problems


inteligencia artificial sistemas difusos grafo (sistema de computador) engenharia do petroleo redes neurais (computação)

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