Sistema de inovação em plantas transgênicas no Brasil : estratégias para garantir a competitividade nacional neste setor


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The starting idea for the formulation of this thesis was that innovation in the form of transgenic plants has very promising opportunities in the Brazilian agriculture and possibily a high impact in its economic development. The agriculture market has a turnover of billions of dollars in the national economy and Brazil is already the second largest producer of transgenic crops in the world. To reach the present scenario, the Brazilian government has adopted various measures over the past years aimed at creating a suitable institutional environment for the generation of innovations in this area in order to meet national interests. However, organizations operating in this field need to adopt the necessary strategies to take advantage of such institutional advantages. If not, all the efforts of policy makers will not have the expect impact. Such strategies can only be established from the complete understanding of the environment in which innovation occurs in transgenic crops. The present study applies a foresight analysis, aimed to identify key factors, components and processes to leverage innovation in transgenic plants that could emerge in the future, identifying strategic actions that can be taken in terms of institutional and organizational perspective to maintain the competitiveness of the national RD&I in the development of transgenic plants, as well as ensure its future sustainability. Three analytical categories were identified in this foresight study: (i) the institutional environment in which transgenic plants innovation occurs, (ii) the strategic players in the market and their competitive structure (iii) the technical and scientific basis that makes up the system in Brazil. The information obtained for each of the three analytical categories was used for in a SWOT analysis. We identified several critical uncertainties related to the system, such as the intrinsic characteristics of the innovative process in transgenic plants, the lack of policy coordination in the application of available resources, the misfits in some important regulatory frameworks for the sector, such as access to genetic resources, the competitive structure of the oligopolistic market and uncertainties about the ability of Embrapa to remain as a strategic player within the Brazilian system of innovation in the area of genetically modified plants. These uncertainties point to the critical need for a robust institutional and organizational change in relation to the strategies adopted so far by the the public sector research institutions to ensure their sustainability and competitiveness and their important role in the national political environment. The creation of a National Pre-competitive research strategy in this area within the National System of Science &Technology and the strengthening of Embrapa, as a coordinator of the National Agricultural Research System are some of the strategic actions proposed in this study to ensure national competitiveness, thus enabling the correct support of national interests.


desenvolvimento econômico biotecnologia agrícola genetica biotechnology economic development plantas transgênicas foresight

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