Sistema de Informações Geográficas destinado ao planejamento da atividade apícola no assentamento Padre Josimo Tavares- PA / Geografic Information System for the planning of the apicultural activity in Padre Josimo Tavares Settlement - PA




Today, apiculture is economically exploited by the man in the pollination of crops, as well as the production of propolis, royal jelly, bee venom and the best known and exploited by the man, the honey. Apiculture has been established as one of the most important activity in terms of economic, social and environmental, once employing family labor-intensive and providing flow generation of income, reduces dependence on agricultural livelihoods and promotes the settling of the man in the field. However, without using any computer resource or a systematic methodology, beekeepers choose where to install their hives, is within the perimeters of the property, or a wider geographical area as a city, for example. The Geographic Information System (GIS) is a computational tool result of combining Cartography with Computer Science, that allows to perform spatial analysis and crossing spatial information in a way that, before, was almost impossible to think, by the enormous effort required, time required and the resulting cost. This work aims to create a GIS for site selection that can optimize hives production. As a result of this methodology it also appears an improvement in the pollination of selected areas, affecting and accelerating the recovery of degraded areas. The developed apicultural management techniques have economic and social consequences for the involved populations, such as the example used in this study, "Padre Josimo Tavares rural settlement.


beekeeping rural planning sistemas de informações geográficas animal science sustainability sustentabilidade geographic information systems planejamento rural apicultura

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