Síntese de lipídios estruturados por interesterificação de gordura de frango e triacilgliceróis de cadeia média / Synthesis of structured lipids from interesterification reaction of chicken fat and medium chain triacylglycerols




Structured triacylglycerols are generally any fats that are modified or restructured from natural oils and fats, or fatty acids therefrom, having special functionality or nutritional properties for edible or pharmaceutical purposes. These restructured triacylglycerols are synthesized by blending and chemical or enzymatic interesterification reaction of oils and fats. The fatty acids rearrangement in these molecules results in products with physical, chemical and nutritional characteristics that are different from the original lipids. These compounds can be considered functional foods when they are able to reduce the risk of diseases. Their clinical advantages are associated with the peculiar structure of the lipid molecule formed by interesterification. The incorporation of medium chain and monounsaturated, is considered of great importance in the lipidic functional foods formulation. These kinds of lipids are a quick energy source and could prevent cardiovascular diseases. The purposes of this study were to analyze the interactions that occur in binary and ternary fat blends between medium and long chain triacylglycerols and their structured triacylglycerols obtained by chemical interesterification through the analysis of their physico-chemical properties. The raw material utilized in this research was abdominal chicken fat, its stearin and medium chain triacylglycerols. The experimental design presented 10 samples corresponding to 10 different blend proportions. A mathematical model of multiple regression of the special cubic type was used to obtain the analytical responses. The results were represented in triangular diagrams. The synthesized structured triacylglycerols presented from 14.8 to 58.4% of medium chain fatty acids, from 15.7 to 37.2% of saturated fatty acids, from 19.2 to 47.5% of monounsaturated fatty acids, and from 6.7 to 15.2% of essential fatty acids. The addition of stearin influenced the softening and melting points, consistency, and solid fat content of chicken fat. After interesterification new types of triacylglycerols groups were formed. The DSC method allowed distinguishing natural fat mixtures from structured triacylglycerols. The triacylglycerols composition had a great importance in understanding the interesterified blends behavior, even with the difficulty in the individual’s triacylglycerols identification.


gordura de frango chicken fat Ácidos graxos monoinsaturados (w-9) triacilgliceróis stearin triacylglycerols structured lipids estearina lipídios estruturados

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