Síntese de fluido magnético à base de maghemita para produção de nanocápsulas magnéticas de albumina bovina




This work describes the preparation of an ionic magnetic fluid in acidic medium based on maghemite nanoparticles, the latter synthesized by coprecipitation via a chemical route developed to provide, in a single step, monomodal samples with no extra procedure for size selection. The prepared magnetic fluid was characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM), indicating the maghemite phase consisting of nanosized particles with average diameter of 8.15 0,09 nm and diameter dispersion of 0.30 0.01 under a log-normal distribution function. Static magnetic birefringence technique was used to characterize the magneto-optical properties of the as-produced sample, revealing the influence of particle agglomerates (more likely linear chains of particles) and indicating that the birefringence signal scales with the applied magnetic field, with the particle volume fraction, and with the morphology of the agglomerates. The produced magnetic fluid was used as a precursor in the preparation of a magnetic nanocomposite for biomedical applications. In this case, the maghemite nanoparticles were encapsulated within nanosized bovine serum albumin (BSA) nanospheres (average diameter of 733 nm), prepared by the thermal denaturation route. This magnetic nanocomposite has been used in several studies; investigating the basic physical properties and the biological characteristics.


fluido magnético nanopartículas nanocápsulas de albumina quimica maghemita

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