Sintese de controladores para transitorios em escalonamento de job shop ciclico




A cyclic scheduling is a sequence of tasks, infinitely repeated by a set of machines. Cyclic scheduling arises in job-shop problems whenever several products are regularly produced at the same rate, with setup cost and time negletable. A steady-state solution for this problem is assumed to be known. We also assume that the system is subject to disturbances (e.g. machine failures, lack of material etc.) and their effect drives the system away from the steady-state. This work proposes a systematic procedure for real-time, feedback controller synthesis whose main task is to reject disturbances, that is, to drive the system back to its steady-state operation. The controllers derived by the synthesis procedure act on the system by determining the starting times of the next tasks. The control law is developed within a max-plus algebra framework and is shown to be stable, that is, after a finite number of iterations, the system returns to steady-state


controle de produção planejamento da produção

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