Single-line-to-earth fault limitation through the setting of Petersen coil in power transformer neutral / Limitação de correntes de falta fase-terra por meio do ajuste de bobina de petersen em neutro de transformadores de potência




The Petersen coil insertion on the neutral of the electrical distribution power system transformers has been a technical strategy adopted for several electrical utilities, in many countries with the purpose to reduce the earth-fault current intensities, enabling circuit disconnect decrease for intermittent faults and so to improve the electrical power quality. The aim of this dissertation is to verify the effects of insertion and adjust of the Petersen coil in the neutral of a power transformer. The purpose is to limit the feeder fault phaseearth current. The coil is adjusted in such way that its inductance reaches a resonant point with the phase-earth capacitances of the system on power frequency industry. At this point, the level of the line-to-earth fault current is reduced and the voltage arc is selfextinguished. This procedure contributes with electrical service interruptions decrease. Tests are accomplished with the ATP Computational Program on IEEE equivalent system. The currents and voltage variation are studied for several neutral transformers and fault resistance values. Tests are carried out on feeders with high capacitances employing Matlab and ATP softwares clarify the efficacy of the methodology presented.


neutro de transformador engenharia eletrica transformer neutral single-line-toearth fault resonant grounding petersen coil falta fase-terra aterramento ressonante bobina de petersen

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