Sindrome de Burnout em professores universitarios do Vale do Paraiba (SP) / Burnout syndrome of professors from Paraiba Valley (SP)




The objective of the present study was to check the influence that the levels of effort-reward and overcommitment at work have on the mental health of professors in relation to the vulnerability to the development of Bumout, depression and sleep disorder. lt is a cross-sectional correlative and descriptive research. The sample consisting of 510 professors, of both genders, that were in professional practicing and belonged to institutions of higher education, located in the cities of Vale do Paraíba, in the State of São Paulo. In the collection of data tive instruments have been used: Data Questionnaire of ldentitication of the Sample; BECK lnventory ofDepression; Questionnaire of Effort-Reward Imbalance at Work; Questionnaire of Adults Sleep; lnventory of Bumout from MALASCH. The results obtained were through techniques of analysis of multiple regression and generalized linear model with logarithmic connection function followed by variance analysis and post hoc SCREFFÉ testo The main results were: the levels of effort-reward, except overcommitment, had influence on the Bumout, depression and sleep disorder. Only the independent variable academic area was predictive from five different disorders, among the 7 ones studied. The prevalencies of Sleep (sleeplessness and sleep complaints), Depression and Bumout Disorders between the university teachers from sample were greater than the same prevalency of the general population. In the working enviroment where there is a balance between the levels of effort and reward it has been suggested that there will be less disorders of the Bumout Syndrome, depression and sleep


ambiente de trabalho saude e trabalho burnout (psicologia) professores universitarios disturbios do sono recompensa (psicologia) depressão

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