Simulação numérica da separação de misturas CH4/He e CO2/He em colunas de adsorção em leito fixo




Methane and carbon dioxide gases are part of natural gas composition and methane is in bigger proportion. Both gases are pollutants which methane is the most responsible by the greenhouse effect and carbon dioxide in turn by pipelines oxidation in natural gas transporting. The separation of CO2 from natural gas promotes an increase in calorific power of the fuel, allowing the use of CO2 as a raw material in chemical industry, as in the production of dry ice. Gas adsorption process have been used on the removal and/or purification of toxic or oxidant pollutant gases, when conventional methods are costly or molecular diameter to be adsorbed are very close to each other. In this work, the performance of a fixed monolayer packed-bed of silicalite pellets for gas mixture adsorption (CH4/He and CO2/He) was studied through the solution of differential equations, with initial and boundary conditions, using the Finite Volume Method with a co-localizated arrangement of variables in a structured grid. In the application of this technique, the Weighted Upstream Differencing Scheme (WUDS) was used as interpolation function. The linear driving force (LDF) model was used to describe the mass transfer from fluid to the solid phase, while extended Langmuir equation was used to calculate equilibrium concentrations between fluid and solid phases. The numerical breakthrough curves obtained in this work showed good agreement with the experimental curves, allowing the prediction of the adsorption efficiency of the fixed bed as function of the feed concentration, feed temperature and feed flux variation.


adsorção engenharia quimica metano engenharia quimica dioxido de carbono metodo dos volumes finitos

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