Simulacao de reservatorio de petroleo em arquiteturas paralelas com memoria distribuida




New codes have been developed for the solution of large scale models in reservoir simulations with high performance computing. This work shows the development of a petroleum reservoir simulator using distributed memory models for parallel computers. A two phase oil/water Black-Oil model was implemented and the resulting equations are discretized by ânite diÂerences approximations in a 2D rectangular cell-centered grid. The discrete equations are linearized using IMPES and Fully Implicit numerical formulations. The nonlinearities are handled by inexact Newton method, with the inner looping - linear system - solved by diÂerent iterative methods and diÂerentpreconditioners. The resulting systems of linear and nonlinear equations are solved using the software PETSc, which uses MPI for communications between processors. The results of the simulator are compared with the commercial simulator BOAST- 98 for applications purposes. The performance of the simulator was measured in a parallel computer, actually a cluster of PCs, with eÂciencies up to 97%, showing the applicability of the parallel model


engenharia civil simulaÃÃo de reservatÃrio de petrÃleo modelo black-oil bifÃsico Ãleo/Ãgua formulaÃÃo impes

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