Simulação de demandas de recursos hídricos utilizando o método de simulação MIKE BASIN, no trecho do reservatório de Ibitinga no rio Tietê e seus afluentes / Simulation of water resources demand using geographical information system model and simulation MIKE BASIN in the excerpt from the reservoir in the Tietê river Ibitinga and its tributaries




This research project examined the data and raised the demands for various uses in sub-basins of which Jacaré-Guaçu, Jacaré-Pepira and Claro river that are part of UGRHI 13 (watershed Tietê-Jacaré) and reaching the average sentence Tietê river, the reservoir of the hydroelectric plant Ibitinga. The objective of this research was to provide results based on scientific technical criteria to help in the right to use water as subsidizing the watershed committee of the component to the study region in determining the flow of grant requested. The data demands of the public supply, livestock, irrigation, industrial, dilution of domestic sewage and industrial sewage dilution, and the demand for energy generation of HPP Ibitinga, subsidized the entry of data in the computer simulation program, MIKE BASIN. MIKE BASIN program is available at the Center for Hydrometers the Center for Water Resources and Applied Ecology, School of Engineering of São Carlos, University of São Paulo, and is composed of a geographic information system, a simulation model capable of quantitatively integrate optimization techniques, and a georeferenced database. With the software MIKE BASIN was possible to identify the available water to meet various uses of water resources in the face of growing demands and the different hydrological conditions, thus defining a plan for the different users of water, minimizing conflicts between the multiple uses of and quantifying the degree of compromise between them. Finally, the results were presented through graphs, tables that can support the committee of basin, assisting in the planning process and management of the uses of water resources for various future scenarios.


simulation sig simulação uhe ibitinga gis planejamento e gerenciamento de recursos hídricos uhe ibitinga planning and management of water resources

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