SimulaÃÃo de sistemas complexos para fins de entretenimento usando Redes Bayesianas: o caso do FutSim




The purpose of this work is to meet the Artificial Intelligence requirements of FutSim, an online soccer management game developed by Jynx Playware. Computer games are relevant today not only because of their economical importance, but also for research purposes. Soccer is an excellent example of a Complex System, since its understanding is not possible through the analysis of its individual components. Today, software simulation is a popular method for the analysis and experimentation with this kind of system. The simulation of complex systems for its many purposes has been discussed, except for one specific purpose: entertainment. This specific kind of simulation has several specific requirements not met by regular simulation systems. Moreover, most of the computer games developed today are based on production rules and fuzzy logic, which are not adequate for dealing with uncertainty. The Bayesian networks approach can treat uncertainty correctly and efficiently, but these networks are not usually applied to simulation, and they also are not able to represent the concepts of entity and relationship. As a result of this work, we solved the simulation problem of FutSim through the complementation of the Bayesian networks formalism with the concepts of entities and events, and we also propose a methodology to develop complex system simulations for entertainment purposes


sistemas complexos futsim ciencia da computacao redes bayesianas entretenimento

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