Silent locomotive: the non-predominance of São Paulos politics in the Brazilian democracy 1945-64 / A locomotiva silenciosa: o não predomínio da política paulista na democracia de 1945




This research aims to specify what was indeed the supposed loss of the paulista politics importance in the Brazilian politics after 1930 and, mainly, in the democratic period of 1945-64. And just then, this work will aim to investigate which possible causes explain that phenomenon. I propose that the meaning of that political decline of the paulistas is not so evident as the political literature usually presumes and, therefore, it should be detailed: although Vargas arose trough a project of re-equilibration of regional forces against São Paulo predominance, the varguismo and the posterior desenvolvimentismo brought social-economic changes that benefited varied paulista interests - whose representatives never ended completely their influence towards national affairs. Even so, it is possible to identify the central question as being the fact that nor did the paulista politicians nationalized themselves, nor did the national parties consolidated in Sao Paulo. The reasons suggested by this research as a group of hypothesis concern three different sub-explanations: 1) in a historical period when economic gains due to the varguismo were not clear, and while the political menace represented by Vargas, the paulistas usually opposed the varguismo during the Estado Novo or at least kept some distance from it. Hence, it ended to be more difficult for the paulistas to form parties or party state sections from the bureaucratic machine as it happened in the rest o the country; 2) when state of São Paulo was already benefited by the industrialism, its politics, however, were marked by the path dependency: usually just politicians not identified with the developmentalism or the varguismo arose in the state so against the electoral demand of the country; 3) PTB in São Paulo suffered the intervention of varguistas that were afraid of the possible growing of their own party in that state and also faced the political competition of social movements that were prior to the varguismo. Specially the PCB injured the PTB spreading in São Paulo and, when it was considered illegal, the only last force in the state that could be nationalized also disappeared.


partidos paulistas party formation política paulista são paulo são paulo formação partidária paulista politics 1945 democracy democracia de 1945 paulista parties

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