Silage production of brachiaria grass in orange orchard. / Produção de silagem de capim braquiária em pomar de laranja.




The objective of this study was to verify the possibility of simultaneous exploration of citrus orchard with brachiaria of interrow for silage production aiming at dairy cow food complementation. The treatment were: A - fertilization of the orchard in the row and manipulation of brachiaria of the interrow by hoeing; B – fertilization of orchard in the row, and having the interrow cut for the silage; C – fertilization of orchard in the row and in the interrow, having the brachiaria cut for silage. The experimental design was randomized blocks with 7 replications, totalling twenty-one parcels with three lines of citrus each. The central line was used for the evaluation of citrus and the central interrow to evaluate the brachiaria. Two cuts of brachiaria were made in the rainy season for the evaluation of dry matter ha -1 and chemical–bromatological attributes production. After cutting, the brachiaria was stored in three different ways: frozen in natura; stored in mini silos of PVC with and without the addition of citric pulp; with four replications. The material was stored in silo for 35 days, and it was opened and frozen afterwards. The following chemical-bromatological characteristics were evaluated within these material dry matter, raw protein, fiber acid detergent, free acidity, and buffer capacity. Macro and micronutrients’ contents in the leaves were determinated, and samples of soil in the row and interrow were taken for the evaluation of soil fertility. In the citrus orchard, the production and the physical and technological characteristics of fruits in two periods (in season and out of season) were evaluated. The results showed that the productivity and the fruits’ technological and physical characteristics were not affected by the way the manipulation of brachiaria in the interrow was conducted. Within the plants’ nutritional state, a difference only for the contents of calcium, which were superior in treatment C, could be observed. The soil’s chemical attributes in the orchard’s line did not present any difference among the treatments. Concerning the brachiaria, the treatments did not have any influence in the nutritional state, nor in the main soil’s chemical attributes. Concerning the production of dry matter, in treatments B and C, a difference between them was observed, in the two seasons of cut, in the production of dry matter: up to 60% for treatment C. Concerning the chemical-bromatological characteristics, there was an influence of the treatments B and C, of the cutting period and of the practice of storage in silos in relation to the contents of dry matter, raw protein, fiber acid detergent, free acidity and buffer capacity in relation; besides the interaction effects among these three variables. Due to the obtained results in relation to the production and quality of citrus and of brachiaria for storage in silos, we can conclude the viability of the exploration of this system (orchard of citrus and brachiaria for storage in silos), as long as the reposition of the extracted nutrients through different fertilization for each vegetal species is executed.


planting silage. plantio capim braquiária orchard silagem. consorciação de culturas intercrop orange laranja pomar brachiaria grass

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