"Significados que as enfermeiras assistenciais de um Hospital Universitário atribuem ao processo de implementação do diagnóstico de enfermagem como etapa do sistema de assistência de enfermagem-SAE" / Meanings attributed by nurses at a University Hospital to the nursing diagnosis implementation process as a stage for the Nursing Care System - NCS




This qualitative case study searches for understanding the meanings attributed by nurses for the nursing diagnosis implementation process on the Nursing Care System (NCS) from the University Hospital at the University of Sao Paulo. Data collection was made through interviews with eight nurses from the Medical Clinic Unit, who attended a pilot test for building up an instrument for nursing diagnosis implementation as a stage of the NCS. Data was presented through a narrative way. The respondents told clearly on their reports having perceived initially the nursing diagnosis implementation as a management imposition, which generated resistance reaction and discomfort feelings. They evidenced that the theory-practice capability and the possibility of participation throughout the process helped them for being proactive agents, resulting from a positive transformation in their feelings starting from the initial discomfort and the unfavourable perception regarding to the process. They reported that shared feelings during the pilot test were worked up easier once the group assumed a proactive attitude for them. They trusted they could deal with these feelings and overcome difficulties. The respondents also revealed that the nursing diagnosis implementation process, as a NCS stage, keeps on being a big challenge to be lived. However, they showed that the appropriateness of the process allowed, besides the decision sharing and responsibility for the results, the development of a belief that they will be able to overcome difficulties when they face the facts. It becomes clear that the participative process takes longer; nonetheless, it offers the detection of needs from different groups and each of their components, providing data for meeting their needs. Thus, it gives autonomy for their participants, creating pleasure and self-satisfaction feelings and, consequently, the result obtained is safer and lasting.


enfermagem mudança organizacional nursing process organizational changes diagnóstico de enfermagem processo de enfermagem nursing nursing diagnosis

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