Significações sobre adolescência e desenvolvimento humano em um projeto social educativo




The complex developmental conditions of contemporary world requires psychological investigations that properly approach the genesis of human development, focusing on transformations that occur in time; and, considering change as situated, dynamic and complex phenomenon, interdependent of person-context interactions. As a consequence, the phenomenon adolescence is conceived as a part of the process of human construction that occurs and should be interpreted in the light of the cultural dynamic of society. The present work aims at analysing conceptions about development and adolescence present into an educational social program, and the connections between those conceptions and meanings negotiated by participants. The program investigated is part of an institution of the social assistance system of Goiânia, Goiás State. Participants were: (a) 34 adolescents attending and ex-attended by the program; (b) professionals and trainees working at the program during research; (c) the researcher himself. Empirical investigation consisted of ethnographic observation conducted along five months, reading of institutional documents and interviews with 3 professionals and 7 adolescents. After systematization, information collected was organized into two parts: (1) characterization of research context from; (2) analysis of meaning axes, considering both institutional meanings and those presented by adolescents during interviews and registered during observational sessions. Results reached in characterization of context indicate the emphasis put onto the institutional mission of promoting citizenship, social justice and social and human rights, specially by means of circus artistic techniques and of psycho pedagogical activities. Regard to institutional meanings, there were identified four meaning blocks, when the conceptions on adolescence and development were considered: (1) circus techniques as a mediating tools of human development; (2) emphasis onto artistic performance as the point of assessment; (3) Adolescence as a stage of life cycle; (4) Social risk and vulnerability and their relations with the subject and the context. The interpretation of the meanings constructed by adolescents reached the following results: (1) the program seen as a space for personal transformations; (2) the program seen as a space for freedom; (3) An adulthood orientated vision of development along adolescence; (4) the sense of self based on an image as a circus artist. In summary, results show that the educational social project occurs in an environment that propitiates new directions in the developmental process, what contributes for autonomous and self-protective positionings. However, results also highlight indicators of normative perspectives around adolescence and development, that may contribute to the emergence of contradictory conceptions and practices.


circo social adolescência educational social program adolescence social circus desenvolvimento humano projeto social educativo psicologia human development

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