Significações da educação infantil na perspectiva de professores que atuam neste segmento / Significações da educação infantil na perspectiva de professores que atuam neste segmento




This quantitative exploratory research aimed at investigating significances of early childhood education from the perspective of teachers who work in this segment. More specifically, it had as its objectives to explore the meanings of early childhood education which the teacher has; to investigate the training of the professional who works in this educational level; to identify the teaching procedures adopted and its relationship with the significance of early childhood education expressed by the teacher and to identify possible obstacles to these professionals performance. Seventeen teachers (10 from private schools and 7 from public schools) with varied professional experience were interviewed in depth, using the technique of semi-structured interview. Among other things, the results showed that in general, participants tend to change their concept of early childhood education as they become more experienced. Initially, early childhood education is seen as an extension of playing at home: a hobby. The interviewees believe that kind of vision, which according to them still remains, is mistaken and in their case the result of an insufficiently training to deal with this segment. Regarding professional training, the results suggest that in the participants perspective, the university does not prepare them for the daily challenges and for the reality of working with this segment. Teachers end up learning from the practice in the classroom about the complexity of oriented education in this stage of life and through knowledge-sharing with more experienced teachers. They also emphasize the need of self-teaching in pursuit of knowledge from which the participants relieve the gaps of a training considered inappropriate. In relation to the teaching procedures adopted, the results revealed that teachers do not mention the curriculum as an axle of reference or as support for the activities which are developed in the context of early childhood education. However, the results suggest that in their speeches, teachers emphasize the importance of working with this segment from childs conception and early childhood education. From this research it also emerged that the participants recognize the importance of playing as a teaching resource. Regarding the obstacles, the results indicate that in general these relate to working conditions, including salary, number of working hours per week, material resources, physical space, among others. Also, the participants emphasized the lack professional training and valuation as barriers to their performance


educação de crianças; professores - formação early childhood education expertise do professor educação infantil teachers expertise educacao formação de professores teacher training

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