Shén神 nas dimensões diagnose e terapêutica da Racionalidade Médica Chinesa / Invisible, sutil and palpable: Shén神 in diagnostic and therapeutic dimensions of chinese medical rationality


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Shén神 is a chinese category of multiple and ample senses, present in the philosophy and medicine. It would direct the process of the appearance of all the things in the universe, as a shaper force. In the person, it acts in all the phases of corporal and personal development, from birth to death, featuring him as the unique person in the universe. It had its meanings reduced by Contemporary Chinese Medicine, hegemonic in China and established after the communistic Revolution. It is often translated as Spirit or Mind, in the West, and it is never dissociated from the physical body. It is present in all dimensions of the Chinese Medical Rationality, and a great range of senses is mentioned, in the conventional literature, when referred to the cosmological dimension, but, it is often reduced to the senses of the mind, according to occidental definitions, when referred to the dimensions of practical order: diagnosis and therapy. The challenge of this thesis was to elaborate a synthesis among the cosmological senses and the practical dimensions. For that, a theoretical-conceptual research was carried out from occidental readings and interpretations of classical chinese texts, created by authors with highly accurate philological criterion. It was noticed that, the senses of Shén神 are present in reciprocal resonance with several other categories of the Chinese Medicine Doutrine, as Qì氣, Xuè血, Jīng精, Qìng情, Emotions, Zàng-Fǔ贓腑, Organs and Visceras, among others. Each one of them with specific attributions, which, however, would reorganize themselves, in resonance with the others. Thus, proceeding the diagnosis and initiating a therapy directed to each one of these categories, the therapist would be interfering, directly on Shén神 and vice versa. Shén神 might assume various meanings, in a vision of totality. From this point on, we understood the need of studying these categories, in resonance with Shén神, beyond the own diagnosis and therapy, in the light of the Chinese Thought premises. Categories like process, totality, potential or efficacy have helped to apprehend, not only the wide meanings of Shén神, and their resonances, but also the peculiarities of the act of diagnosing and treating in the Chinese Medical Rationality. Then, it was elaborated a vision of the Diagnosis and Therapy capable of contemplating Shén神 and its resonances, that we expect can be used in the healthcare services, contributing to health promoting strategies, straitening the therapist-patient biding and more therapeutical efficacy in the practice of the Chinese Medical Rationality.


shén 神 shén神 chinese medicine medicina chinesa chinese medical rationality racionalidade médica chinesa saude coletiva spirit acupuncture medicina oreintal acupuntura espírito

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