Shear bond strength and bonding time of precoated and uncoated ceramic brackets / Resistência adesiva e tempo de colagem de brackets cerâmicos com bases pré-adesivadas e convencionais




Introduction: The aim of this study was to evaluate Shear Bond Strength (SBS) and Bonding Time (BT) of precoated and uncoated ceramic brackets. Methods: 60 permanent bovine incisors, extracted and stored according to ISO/TR 11405 were used. According to bonding systems, the teeth were divided into 2 groups: G1: 30 uncoated Transcend 6000 (3M Unitek) ceramic brackets, G2: 30 precoated Transcend 6000 (3M Unitek) ceramic brackets. The SBS was measured on an EMIC DL 500 at a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/min and the BT through a professional chronometer. Results: SBS of the groups were: G1 8.43 MPa and G2 11.96 MPa. Students t-test demonstrated that SBS was statistically different among the groups (p<0.05). Considering TC the results were: G1 2.89 min and G2 2.42 min. Mann-Whitney U test showed that there was statistical difference among groups for BT (p<0.05). Conclusions: Precoated ceramic brackets show higher SBS than the uncoated ones. Uncoated brackets show longer BT compared to the precoated ones.


odontologia braquetes ortodônticos colagem dentária adesivos dentários

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