Sexualidade no climaterio : uma analise do inquerito populacional domiciliar em mulheres de 45 a 60 anos no municipio de Campinas




In this final century, the increase of life expectance mainly among female population made the climacteric study with their psychobiologycal and social implications like sexuality, important questiono This is significant because they are related to improve of life quality and style. Objectives: describe some sexuality aspects in climacteric women and the influence of the social and demographic characteristic, the clinical characteristic and the healthy state of self-perception. Methods: descriptive study, cross sectional associated with domicile population inquiry in women aged 45 to 60 inhabit in Campinas (SP), Brazil. A total of 456 women were carried out between randomization based in a 1991 demographic census from Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatíst1ca. The data were gathered from domicile interview through strucfured questionary intemationally te,sted in UEA and Asian Southeast. Were collected statistical position data (frequency, average and median value) and relative Fisk (RR) age adjusted, with 95% confidence interval. Results: The majority of women began their sexual life in adolescent period and keep on their sexual (68%) and achieving pleasure (86%) in climacteric stage; with fpur intercourse/month (median frequency value). A sample third was sexual absent in the last 12 month. The main factor was the lack of partner or presence of sick partner (75%) and not due to women factor. The significant change of women sexual aétivity was the absence of sexual attraction (75%), the vaginal dryness and coitus pain were not important. The early first intercourse associated characteristics were the less scholarship (RR 5,7) and the less acquisitive power (category O or E with RR 3,5). Regarding holding thesexual activity, was significant to have stable partner and mainly be married (RR 30,7), belong to A or 8 category (RR 3,3) using HTR (RR 1,8). The pleasure achievement was affected only by high scholarship (RR 4,3) and by good health self-perception (RR 9,6). Conclusion: The activity and the sexual pleasure in climacteric women have a many-sided influence that goes through social and economics issues, cultural questions, clinical conditions, habits and sexual education. The aim of this study was to contribute to. alert the health workers and searches, to gain knowledge not only through biological strict actions about human behavior, but specially to the climacteric sexuality and improve attention to the women and partner complains


relações sexuais menopausa comportamento sexual

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