Sexualidade e velhice: um estudo das representações masculinas




This work had the objective of comprehending the place and the meanings of sexuality in the life of elder male individuals. For the development of the study, result of the option of the qualitative methodology, the individuals were presented with sentences which, withdrawn from literature, establish relations between old age and sexuality. The use such procedure is due to the consideration of a double necessity of: preventing individuals from finding themselves in embarrassing situations and of facilitating the free narrative course of statements. I assumes that about the sexuality of another individual would be easier than referring to their own sexuality. Nevertheless, it was noticeable the frequent use of the first person singular in the speeches. This dissertation was prepared in order to promote the progressive approach to the field work and to the analysis of the collected data. This way, the broader character of the first chapters, in which I worked on issues associated with multiple dimensions of the aging process and human sexuality is followed by the presentation and reflection of some myths which cover, in the present society. the sexuality of elder male individuals from the methodological option and data analysis. In the data analysis, the statements were gathered in groups in which I named "discursive categories"; discursive because they are present in a recurring way in the statements of the individuals themselves.


velhice sexualidade idosos -- comportamento sexual gerontologia servico social gênero

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