"Settlement systems and technological style: an interpretive porposal to Sinos River Valley precolonial settlement, Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil)" / "Sistemas de assentamento e estilo tecnológico: uma proposta interpretativa para a ocupação pré-colonial do Alto Vale do Rio dos Sinos, Rio Grande do Sul"




Technological style can be defined as the result of cultural choices reflected in different strategies of raw materials selections and debidage techniques related to the production of lithic artifacts. Therefore, it can be used to identify cultural or social identity in the archaeological record through the analysis of lithic assemblages. This concept was used to interpret the artefactual variability of lithic assemblages related to three different prehistoric settlement systems that occupied the Sinos River Valley (Rio Grande do Sul State, southern Brazil), between 8.800 and 440 BP: the hunter-gatherers of Umbu Tradition and the horticulturalists of Taquara and Guarani Traditions.


brazilian archaeology lithic technology technological style estilo tecnológico horticultores horticulturalists caçadores coletores settlement systems arqueologia pré-histórica tecnologia lítica hunter-gatherers arqueologia brasileira sistemas de assentamento prehistorical archaeology

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