Serviços financeiros de cooperativas de crédito mútuo: avaliação de fatores e variáveis sob a óptica dos tomadores de crédito


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This project has as its main objective to analyze the main factors that take the mutual credit cooperative association partners to use several financial services offered by these associations. The main factors chosen by this realized analyses are related to the behavior of the partners and are related to the: cooperative customer s satisfaction related to the cooperative services; motivational matters; and issues related to the partner s knowledge in relation to the cooperative environment. The developed project involved three steps: the theorical fundamentation pertinent to the objective of the research, the structure of the methodology which could satisfy the analyzes of the objectives and respective instrumental of the research and, the presentation and analyses of the replies from applied and valid questionnaires (52% from the 240 applied questionnaires). It was shown that the motivational factors, from situated influence and involvement were the most relevant in the relation between partners/cooperative, in the opinion of the own partner. These outcomes also offer subsidies for the realization of future projects in the area of cooperatives.


satisfação do consumidor administracao cooperativas de crédito comportamento do consumidor consumer satisfaction banks and baking, cooperative consumer behavior

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