Serviços de saúde e saúde reprodutiva no Alto Rio Negro : da produção de dados à produção do perfil da fecundidade / Helth assistance and reproductive health in the Alto Rio Negro : from data to profile production on fertility


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The production of demographic information about indigenous people grounds public policies and interventions aiming at supporting their sustainability. The lack of regularity and the precarious quality of the demographic information hide various discrepancies which have haunted Amazon indigenous health. Several studies have disclosed demographic growth in those indigenous communities at the same time that others have pointed out the decrease of fecundity, since the nineties. The demographic decrease, although discrete could be linked to the proximity those people have undergone to urban centers, as well as to the constraints stemmed from their contact with health services, ONGs, schools, religious groups and the labor market. In order to assess the impact of health services in the variations of the fecundity of indigenous women who lived in the area of the Tiquié river in the high Rio Negro-Amazonas. The achievement of that target was carried out through the comparison of the data gathered from SIASI (Attention to Indigenous People Health Information System) concerning the year 2005 matched with the data gathered from the CIARN (Rio Negro Autonomous Indigenous Census) in the year 1992. That comparison was so designed because health assistance was not a regular service in that area in the year 1992 but was indeed regular in the year 2005. Although the findings were not conclusive because of the poor quality of the empirical data they support both the trend that there was a discrete decrease in women fecundity in the indigenous communities settled along the Tiquié river that could be linked to the health assistance.


fecundidade serviços de saúde demografia saúde reprodutiva povos indígenas - alto do rio negro região (amazonas) fertility helth assistance demography indigenous people

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