Serological studies with reovirus-like enteritis agent.


The age distribution of antibody to the human reovirus-like enteritis agent, and to the antigenically related Nebraska calf diarrhea virus (NCDV) was studied in serum specimens obtained from 592 children hospitalized in Boston. Sera were examined for complement-fixation (CF) antibody to the human agent, and for CF and indirect immunofluorescence-staining antibodies to NCDV. The curve of antibody frequency was similar in each of the three assays, showing a steep rise in the 6- to 18-month-old age groups; these results indicate the early acquisition of antibody to the reovirus-like enteritis agent. The majority of children and young adults possessed CF- and immunofluorescence-stainable antibodies. There was a significant association between antibody prevalence data obtained with the human CF antigen and with the two NCDV antigens; this association was closest between the human and NCDV CF antigens.

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