Sequencing, identification and analysis of juvenile Eucalyptus grandis xylem proteins / Sequenciamento, identificação e análise de proteínas do caule de mudas de Eucalyptus grandis




The process of wood formation is an important economical factor for the forestry industry and it is also of ecological importance, although little is known about the proteins involved in wood formation. The sequencing, identification and analysis of proteins provides such information of wood formation. Using proteomics techniques such as two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry we have started a proteomic analysis of wood formation in Eucalyptus grandis at different stages of development (5 months, 3 and 6 years old). This work presents data related to the stage of 5 months. Using high resolution 2DE with linear pH gradient ranging from 4 to 7, a total of 438 spots were detected. However, only 168 spots were analyzed by LC ESIMS/ MS and 121 were identified (72.02%) while 35 (20.83%) presented no homology in the database used. Overall, 22 proteins appeared as multiple spots and accounted for most of the proteins found in the group. This observation may reflect post-translation modification, alternative splicing events, isozyme variation, allelic variation of the same protein, but also protein degradation. Over the 168 spots analysed, (22.02%) play a role in energy, (17.86%) metabolism, (13.69%) cellular processes, (0.60%) transport, (8.33%) structural components, (5.36%) macromolecular metabolism, (4.17%) putative protein, (20.83%) no homology and (7.14%) no result. For 59 proteins, the spot volume was compared with their respective transcript with mRNAs extracted from wood forming tissue. The method provided a faster and accurate tool for separation and identify of protein which are differentially expressed under different stages of development in Eucalyptus grandis.


caule espectrometria de massas madeira eucalyptus grandis wood two dimensional electrophoresis xylogenesis mass spectrometry proteínas eletroforese eucalipto

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